The 2022 Global Women in Real Estate Committee is tentatively planning a global event on Resiliency in Real Estate for 30 August. Details will be posted on the GWIRE page here.
IRES – ERES March 18, 2022 Industry Seminar Registration Opens.
The Schedule and Speakers for the March 18, 2022 IRES – ERES Industry Seminar on the “S” in ESG are set. Online registration is open. The seminar is free, but participants must register in advance and space is limited. Details about the seminar content, schedule, speakers are available here on the IRES Activities – IRES-ERES industry seminar page.
IRES 2021 Doctoral Fellowship Program opens
IRES Industry Panel at ERES 2021
Journal of African Real Estate Research special issue: Women in African Real Estate and Urban Development Research supported by IRES women
Journal of African Real Estate Research special issue: Women in African Real Estate and Urban Development Research supported by IRES women available online
The 2021 IRES awards were announced at the IRES Board meeting on May 12. The recipients are:
IRES Achievement Award: Mo Rodriguez
Dr. Rodriguez’s internationally cited research includes work on spatial statistics, corporate real estate, REITs, capital markets and commercial real estate, appearing in journals such as Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Research, and Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. In addition, he is as an editor for Journal of Real Estate Literature. Mo has served as a member of the IRES and ARES Boards of Directors, Executive Director of the James R. Webb ARES Foundation, and ARES Director of Finance. He was instrumental in the formation of LARES and development of the IRES website and continues to champion support for doctoral students and faculty in emerging countries.
IRES Service Award: Bob Martens
Dr. Martens is a long-serving member of the ERES Board of Directors and organized the 2013 ERES conference at which IRES held its Board of Directors meeting. He spearheaded the effort to create and host a searchable digital library of conference and symposium papers and abstracts for IRES, LARES, and AfRES, creating permanent records that members of all societies can access to further their research.
IRES Corporate Leadership Award: Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape Town
The University of Cape Town Department of Construction Economics and Management has played an active role in supporting AfRES. The Department has hosted AfRES annual conferences and seminars as well as the office of the AfRES Executive Director, providing financial and staff support. In 2017, the Department enthusiastically took on the relaunching and operation of the Journal of African Real Estate Research within the Urban Real Estate Research Unit, ensuring a peer-reviewed outlet for African real estate researchers. (news story)
GWIRE – Global Women in Real Estate – Global COVID-19 Scars for Cities – May 17, 2021
2020 IRES Doctoral Symposium Presentation Awards
IRES held its first virtual symposium for doctoral students October 28-30, 2020. Doctoral students from around the globe were invited to submit a video presentation of their research in the areas of real estate finance and investment, urban and housing economics, urban planning, real estate sustainability and related fields. Nine students from among these were selected by the committee to make a live presentation and receive feedback from a mentor. Three students were chosen to receive best presentation awards of $1,000 sponsored by the James R. Webb ARES Foundation. The three winners of the presentation awards are:
Ren Ren, University of Hong Kong
“The boom-bust asymmetry of supply elasticity and property price changes: New evidence from within-city analysis”
Marina Koelbl, University of Regensburg
“Is mandatory risk reporting informative? Evidence from US REITs using machine learning for text analysis”
Felix Gauger, TU Darmstadt
“Coworking spaces and start-ups: Empirical evidence from a product market competition perspective”
Congratulations as well to the other finalists:
- Lingshan Xie (University College London)
- Charlotte van der Lijn (University of Sheffield)
- Simon Stehle (University of Konstanz)
- Aleksandar Petresk (Jönköping International Business School)
- Han Liu (The George Washington University)
- Wei Lin (University of St. Gallen)
Mentors: Dr. Kola Akinsomi, Dr. Yi Fan, Dr. Jeremy Gabe, Dr. Kwan Ok Lee, Dr. Rose Lai, Dr. Masaki Mori, Dr. Woei Chyung Wong, Dr. Peter Wyatt, and Dr. Nafeesa Yunus.
The Symposium was organized by an international committee comprised of Dr. Masaki Mori (chair), Dr. Jeremy Gabe, Dr. Kwan Ok Lee, Dr. Paloma Talavull de La Paz, and Mr. Alessandro Verdrossi.
GWIRE – Global Women in Real Estate First Virtual Networking and Panel Discussion Event – September 24, 2020
The 2020 IRES awards were announced at the IRES Board meeting on June 2. The recipients are:
IRES Achievement Award: Andrew Baum
Dr. Baum has researched and published about real estate investment and valuation for more than 30 years. He is the author or co-author of seven books and has published on topics such as international investment in the Journal of European Real Estate Research and Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, among others. Dr. Baum served as Professor of Land Management at the University of Reading and is now Professor of Practice at University of Oxford. He is the founder of the Reading Real Estate Foundation, an educational charity established to support real estate education. In addition, Dr. Baum has held leadership positions with multiple real estate firms, including Henderson Global Investors and CBRE Global Investment Partners . He has been a keynote speaker at several ERES and PRRES conferences as well as the 2001 IRES World Congress.
IRES Service Award: Martin Hoesli
Dr. Hoesli is Professor of Real Estate and Finance at the Universities of Geneva and Aberdeen and at Kedge Business School. He has been an active member of ERES, currently serving as a member of the Board of Directors as well as President 2003-2004. He is always supportive of activities such as conferences and seminars. He is a long serving member of the IRES Board of Directors and was elected President of IRES in 2017.
IRES Corporate Leadership Award: South African Council for Property Valuers Profession (SACPVP)
The South African Council for Property Valuers Profession is a strong supporter of real estate research, education, and professional practice. The organization has taken a leadership role in advising and accrediting real estate education programs in South Africa. In addition, it has been in the forefront of professionalizing the valuation profession in South Africa. On an international scale, SACPVP has furthered the mission of the African Real Estate Society by partnering in organizing three AfRES annual conferences as well as providing the organization financial and staff support.
The International Real Estate Society (IRES) is a federation of regional real estate societies that encourages global cooperation on research and education. The mission of IRES is to: (1) encourage communication, cooperation, and coordination regarding real estate research and education; (2) encourage and assist in establishment of real estate education and research programs; (3) encourage research on international real estate topics; and (4) encourage and facilitate faculty exchanges.
The federation consists of the American Real Estate Society, European Real Estate Society, Pacific Rim Real Estate Society, Asian Real Estate Society, African Real Estate Society, and Latin American Real Estate Society. IRES annually presents three prestigious awards. Nominations come from individual members of the regional societies and the recipient is decided by a vote of a committee comprised of one representative from each of the regional organizations and one industry representative. Further information and the names of past recipients can be found at the IRES website,